Militzer & Münch has been present on the Romanian logistics market for almost 20 years with its own country unit. The focus is on imports and exports within Europe, with customers mainly from the industrial goods and clothing sectors. Despite current uncertainty factors, the subsidiary not only proves to be stable, but it can even report growth.
At the Romanian subsidiary, all signs point to expansion. And this although market conditions are currently rather challenging. The ongoing war in neighboring Ukraine, the energy crisis, and high inflation are creating uncertainty on the market and hardly allow any forecasts.
Teamwork to defy challenges
According to Managing Director Valentin Dragu, the fact that Militzer & Münch Romania is nevertheless so well positioned on the market is mainly due to the high degree of motivation and hard work of his team. “The logistics industry is very dynamic; you have to act flexibly and to be able to react to current market changes. I am very proud to say that we accomplish this even in difficult phases. As a medium-sized transport service provider, we are holding our own very well against the competition, and we are therefore generally optimistic about the future,” he says.
New location, new employees: for the roughly 30 employees of Militzer & Münch Romania, a move was due last fall; the M&M Romania team relocated to new, modern premises in downtown Bucharest. “Our current team members are happy with the new offices and the location’s very good transport connections, but hopefully also new team members in the future will appreciate this, as we are currently looking for reinforcement”, says Valentin Dragu.
Upswing in road and sea transport
So far this year, the current geopolitical and economic situation has had hardly any impact on Militzer & Münch Romania’s activities and results. The country unit recorded a slight decline in project business, though, the volume of road transports, however, increased, and in the sea freight sector, an upswing is noticeable, too.
Nevertheless, Valentin Dragu plans to focus Militzer & Münch Romania on transports that have proven successful for his company: “We expect trade within Europe to intensify next year, which will open up many opportunities for us. Therefore, we are now working on further expanding our transport business and trade relations in this direction – and hopefully soon with the vigorous support of new team members!”